Reconciliation and kindness

Dec 20th, 2017 Death, Grief, Kids Grief, Life, Loss Staci Maher Ball

Nathan and I went to his ceremony. I scouted the church for other single parent families but all I could see were children with two parents. Later that night, as I sat on my bed looking out the window at the moon, I thought about Nathan’s comment. He was so right. There are just some people out there that are really nice. And they had just made a special night for my grieving son, special.

Thankful Boycott

Nov 30th, 2017 Death, Grief, Kids Grief, Life, Loss, Running Staci Maher Ball

I had been dreading Thanksgiving and had been thinking about it on some of my runs in the last few weeks. I still felt like I had been screwed by God and the Universe. I felt that my sons were robbed of a Father who loved them more than any Father I’ve known. On some days I felt that my life was one big struggle. I did not feel like being thankful this year.


Oct 6th, 2017 Death, Grief, Loss Staci Maher Ball

So, that’s why my heart hurts this week. I feel the pain of all these people who lost someone in Las Vegas. I experienced this pain with Sandy Hook in 2012, the year that Gordie died. I wrote about it back then and will share it soon on my blog. But this week I have been unable to stop thinking about the Las Vegas victims’ families.

Waiting For It

Sep 18th, 2017 Grief, Kids Grief, Loss, Solo Parenting Staci Maher Ball

Grief has never really left our home but it has a much quieter presence than it did a few years ago. It is no longer nearly destroying our lives on a daily basis. But I know it will most likely rise up again and there is nothing I can do to prevent it. I live everyday knowing my sons’ grief will come back. And I will continue to scour them for signs that it’s here. Like many other widows and widowers with kids, I’m just waiting for it. Waiting for the grief to return. #widowwithkids #childrensgrief #kidsgrief #keeprunning #runningthroughgrief

Blind Rage

Aug 16th, 2017 Death, Grief, Kids Grief, Life, Loss, Running, Solo Parenting, Uncategorized Staci Maher Ball

The first graders then took the stage. I proudly watched Nathan as they all took their places. He looked so cute. They started their song. At first I was not really paying attention to the words. I was just so intent on watching my sweet little boy. But then the words penetrated and I nearly vomited. The song the first graders were singing was about Dads. It was about how great their Dads are, all the things their Dads do with them, and how much they love their Dads. In addition to almost vomiting, I felt a fire explode in my gut. #blindrage #seeingred #fbombs #ChrisRock #protectiveparent

The Most Screwed

Aug 10th, 2017 Death, Grief, Kids Grief, Life, Loss Staci Maher Ball

Who gets screwed the most when a young father dies? His wife? His kids? His own parents? His own siblings? His own friends? His beloved Jack Russell Terrier? I have logged so many running miles contemplating this question. I don’t know why but it was a question I could not stop noodling. Five years after my husband died leaving me with two little boys ages six and two, I think I have the answer. #runningthroughgrief #deathsucks #kidsgrief

Just Get Up

Jul 17th, 2017 Death, Grief, Kids Grief, Loss, Running, Solo Parenting Staci Maher Ball

So for those of you who are suffering from a tremendous loss and also have kids, my number one piece of advice is: Just Get Up. Get out of bed. Run if you can. Walk if you can. Shower. Get Dressed. Be present for your kids. I know it’s not easy. I know you just want to shut the world out. Five years later, there are still days that I have to tell myself to just get up. But five years later I am just so damned proud of myself that I just got up. #grief #stayinbed #keeprunning #runningthroughgrief #widowwithkids #justgetup

A Widow’s Lesson: Three Types of People

Jul 11th, 2017 Death, Grief, Kids Grief, Loss, Running Staci Maher Ball

Ultimately, here is the lesson that I have learned from being a young Widow. There are three types of people in life but there is just one simple math equation that matters. If the sum of Group One and Group Two is greater than the amount in Group Three….you are blessed. #running #grief #friends #kidsgrief #moveon #widowiwithkids