Unexplained Death

May 10th, 2018 Death, Grief, Life, Loss Staci Maher Ball

This week a 15 year old boy drowned in a pool at a local highschool in my town. I have been unable to get him and his family out of my mind. I do not pretend to know the grief of losing a child but I do know what it’s like to lose someone in a pool. Death, in any circumstance, is horrible. Death by…

The Night Before

Mar 30th, 2017 Death, Grief, Inspiration, Kids Grief, Life, Loss staciballconsultingllc@gmail.com

It seemed like such a typical night for our Family. Only it wasn’t. It was the last night for the family that I thought I would have the rest of my life. #ilovemyfamily, #lifeisprecious, #familytime, #lifeisunexpected, #running, #grief